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Welcome to the FAQ section of Frantoio Veronesi. Here are the questions most frequently asked by our customers.
How do I make a purchase?
After finding the product you want to buy, select the size and then add it to the shopping cart by clicking the "Add to shopping cart" button. In this way the product will be placed in your shopping cart.
To complete the order enter your shopping cart and follow the checkout procedure.
Do I have to register to place an order?
Yes, to buy on Frantoio Veronesi you must first register and create an account.
In addition to purchase, with registration you can also:
- save your data to make faster purchases next time
- keep track of your orders and review previous purchases
- create wish lists of your favourite products
- take advantage of reserved offers and discount coupons
Are the personal data I provide protected?
We pay utmost attention to the protection of your data, we respect all the regulations in force, and we do not disclose your personal information to anyone.
I have forgotten my password, what should I do?
To reset your password, click on "Forgot your password" under the Login button. You will be asked to enter the e-mail address used during registration, then you will receive the instructions for setting a new password.
What methods of payment do you offer?
On Frantoio Veronesi you can pay for your purchases using:
- Credit card
- PayPal
- Advance bank transfer
What are the delivery times?
All articles displayed online on frantoioveronesi.com are actually available and ready to be shipped in 10 days. Orders placed using credit card and PayPal are shipped as soon as the order is received (except for some special cases). In the case of payment by bank transfer, we ask you to send the receipt of payment before proceeding to send the order.
How much does shipping cost?
Shipping costs are calculated automatically and are displayed on the order confirmation screen, before completing the purchasing procedure. Shipping costs may vary according to the selected payment method, order total and weight and size of packages (packs).
Can I cancel an order?
To cancel an order that has already been placed, contact our Customer Service as soon as possible.
You can do so by sending an e-mail to: info @ frantoioveronesi.com
or by calling: +39 045 7580030